Travel Forms and Calculators
- ADA Accomodation Approval: used by departments to confirm doctor statement(s) are on file that support ADA accomodations for a traveler.
- Private Car Request: used to request private car service. Some restrictions apply.
- Travel Mileage Record: used to track mileage for multiple destinations. For example, traveling from Bloomington, to Kokomo, to Indianapolis, and back to Bloomington. Another example would include trips within a city from building to building.
- Non-Employee Traveler Form: Use this one-page PDF form to collect necessary contact information from your non-employee travelers to establish a supplier record in BUY.IU for use in Emburse Enterprise, or to establish a guest traveler account in Egencia.
- Traditional Non-Employee Traveler Worksheet: This PDF form solicits contact information and travel preferences from non-employee travelers.
- Request an Egencia Guest Account: If booking guest travel in Egencia, use this form to submit non-employee traveler details and request the creation of a non-employee guest traveler account.
- Select the following options:
- I am a... Traveler or Arranger
- I need help with: Non-Employee Travel
- Choose a topic: Request an Egencia Guest Profile
To review a guide on this process, visit Financial Training: Non-Employee Guest Travelers in Egencia
- Individual Cash Advance Calculator: complete this Excel table to calculate total Cash Advance allowance. Instructions are located in the Excel file.
- Student Group Travel Cash Advance Calculator: a similar Excel table used to calculate total Cash Advance allowance for student group travel. Similarly, instructions are located in the Excel file.
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