Trip Authorization
Trip Authorization (TA) is required based on the destination of your travel. Trip Authorization was previously known as Pre-Approval. TA should be submitted and approved in Emburse Enterprise prior to booking travel.
In-State travel does not require TA.
In-State travel is defined as travel where the destination is inside of Indiana, regardless of where the traveler is coming from.
- Driving between IU campuses for work.
- Attending a conference in Indiana.
- Visiting Indiana as a guest speaker from another country or state.
Domestic and International travel require TA.
Domestic travel is defined as travel where the destination is a state outside of Indiana, but still within the United States. International travel is defined as travel where the destination is in another country, including Canada and Mexico.
- A student flying or driving to Chicago for an IU event.
- An IU staff member flying or driving to Memphis for development or recruitment.
- An IU professor flying or driving to a conference in Denver.
- A non-employee keynote speaker traveling to Louisville for an IU-sponsored conference.
- A student conducting field work in another country.
- An IU professor flying to another country to attend a conference or perform research in the field for a book or project.
- An IU staff member flying to another country to serve as an ambassador for IU or perform medical work.
- A non-employee keynote speaker traveling to London to speak at an IU-sponsored conference.
Training Documentation
Ready to learn more? Click here to enroll in a self-guided Canvas training course on TA or click a link below for written guidance.